Frequently asked questions about referrals and commissions

Can I change the introduction URL?

The code at the end of the introduction URL is a special code just for you. (Example:★★★ )
If you would like to change this code(★★★), please press the pencil mark at the bottom right of the referral URL and set a new code.

What is a referral URL?

A referral URL is a special link just for you. If you purchase something through this link, you will receive a commission. You can check who bought which products and the sales status from this dashboard.

What should I do if I only want to introduce specific products?

If you paste the URL of the product page you want to introduce on the link generation tab, a product-specific introduction URL will be automatically generated. Customers can click on the generated link to view product information and shop directly on the product page.

About introduction

Please note that if you change the code, you will no longer receive rewards even if sales occur using the previous code. We recommend replacing URLs posted on SNS etc. with new URLs.

About commissions
When is the payment date?

If a product is sold through your introduction, the reward will be confirmed after 30 days. After that, if you apply, the money will be transferred by the end of the following month.

What are the ways I can receive commissions?

Currently, the only way to receive commissions is Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account, please create one here.

How can I exchange it for cash?

Money received through PayPal can be transferred to your bank account. However, please note that fees may apply. For detailed instructions, please check here.

How can I receive commission money?

Please contact You can also apply from
here. When applying, please be sure to let us know your name, email address, and the amount you would like to receive (10,000 yen or more).

What happens if I get a refund or cancel?

If the purchased product or service is canceled or the price is refunded, the sale will be treated as canceled by the system. As a result, the commission that was scheduled to be paid will not occur.

Deposit application form

We will pay you compensation.
Please fill in the necessary information and press the apply button.

Email address
desired payment amount: 10,000 yen or more

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